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Can I read the Holy Quran in my mobile while I am not in wodhu?
Assalamualikum. Can I read the Holy Quran in my mobile while I am not in wodhu? I have downloaded the Holy Quran app in my mobile. Reading the Holy Quran in mobile instead of reading in Mushaf (printed Quran) will…
Is it okay to pronounce ض like ظ? Like in this Ayah, وَلَا الضَّآلِّينَ?
Assalamualikum. Why some people pronounce ض like ظ, is it okay to pronounce ض like ظ? Like in this Ayah, وَلَا الضَّآلِّينَ I recite it like this, Wa Lad Daalleen But some people pronounce it like, Wa Laz Zaalleen. The…
What is the correct position of the tongue when pronouncing س and ص?
Assalamualikum. When pronouncing س and ص, am I correct to say that your tongue should slightly touch the alveolar ridge, but the tip of your tongue leaves an opening for air to pass through, which creates the sound. Or must…
If ر has shaddah, should it be full mouthed, or empty mouthed, because a full mouthed ر ?
Assalamualikum. If ر has shaddah, should it be full mouthed, or empty mouthed, because a full mouthed ر with shaddah feels a bit heavy. The Answer Wa alikom asslam,Alhamdulilah The ر with shaddah, will not necessarily be full- or empty-…
Where does hamza with shaddah ّ occur in the Quran?
Assalamualikum. Is it possible that Hamza in any of its form has a Shaddah? Like this: ءّ،أّ،إّ،ىّٔ،ؤّ ? If yes, is there any place where this appears in the holy Qur’an? Because I’ve never seen it. The Answer Wa alikom…
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